Saturday 18 January 2014

Communication skills during interview...

Bad habits are hindrance to the success in interviews we have to work on changing these habits and should be avoided in formal communications.
Some of the bad habits like:
1.Cracking knuckles:we should avoid generation of sound during relaxing hand movement etc.
2.Picking your nose:some use their fingers into the nose to remove boogers which is very disgusting for others to see you gestures.
3.Twirling hairs:Twisting your especially women should avoid these activity it will be discomfort for others.
4.Slouching:The posture of body is straight and reflects some confidence during interview.
5.Being a Slacker:Slacker means to avoid the assignments assign to you and giving it to others.This habit is not going to help rather it will make you irresponsible so dont be a slacker.
6.Cursing:Dont use slang words in formal environment as slang should not be used in place where some formal communication is required.

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